Application for Admission Doctoral

Required fields*.

    General data

    I. Candidate

    II. Origin

    III. Birth

    IV. Address

    V. Access universitary degree

    VI. Linguistic competences

    Llengua Catalana: Nivell B2 del Marc Europeu Comú de ReferènciaEnglish Language: Level B2 Common European Framework of ReferenceLengua Española: Nivel B2 del Marco Europeo Común de Referencia

    VII. eUNIV normative compliance

    Specific data

    I. Doctoral research

    Arts and HumanitiesEconomy and Social SciencesJuridical and Political SciencesEducation and TechnologyCatalan Philology

    II. Profile recommended for Admission

    III. Language request

    IV. Documentation add

    Access degree or certificatePassport copyAND Official CertificatePhoto student cardOther

    Attach documentation
    You can send us files: doc,docx,pdf,zip,rar,png, jpeg or jpg

    strong>V. Enrolment mode

    Subject by subjectComplete course
