Integrating model
For the eUniv it is a fundamental strategic objective to link students, from bachelor’s degrees to doctoral programmes, with research whose subject matter and methodology enable them to participate through the assignments set out in the academic programmes. This ability to place students is what guides the research, ensuring that it is always suited to the courses and the learning outcomes set out in their academic programmes.
University research can have very different approaches, of course. In the case of the eUniv, however, the main objective of research is not industry, government or any other agent, but its own students. The chances of university students coming into contact with the world of high level research are very limited, especially if they follow the online modality. This is the dynamic we want to reverse.
Seeing the academic assignments in the subjects as an opportunity to participate directly in a research project is a decision that requires great institutional commitment. First, the lines of research must be designed in keeping with the courses, both in terms of their subject matter and methodology (conceptualisation, theoretical approach, methodology, sources, documentation, etc.). This commitment is transferred to the Vice-President’s Office responsible for research coordination and, thereafter, to its specialisation units and all research staff. Therefore, the application of this criterion to research activity entails the establishment of an integrated participation model.