University education in the principalities of Andorra and Catalonia: comparative and evolutionary analysis of supply and demand (2000-2025)

1. Name of the line of doctoral research

University education in the principalities of Andorra and Catalonia: comparative and evolutionary analysis of supply and demand (2000-2025).

2. UNESCO codes related to the research linede recerca

All those related to the educational programs under investigation.

3. Recommended admission requirements for candidates

Individuals trained in any of the disciplines established as state or official education within the university systems of Andorra and/or Catalonia, interested in deepening their knowledge of the academic and social processes that explain their implementation and maintenance in these university systems. A B2 level of linguistic competence in Catalan, Spanish, and English according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is also recommended, as well as availability in accordance with the requirements of the doctoral regime of the European Higher Education Area, and a connection with a university institution that motivates and justifies their candidacy.

4. Chair

Chair of University Sociology.

5. Leading Centre

Alma Mater University Institute.

6. Main Coordinator

Dr. Jesús M. Prujà.

7. Object of Study

The case studies of the LRD focus on the educational programs implemented in Andorran and Catalan universities during the first quarter of the 21st century, which include the justifications for their academic, scientific, and professional interest presented at their creation, the objectives, specific competences, and expected learning outcomes, the recommended access profiles, the performance rates, and the study program.

8. Hypothesis

The research line proposes, as a general hypothesis, to demonstrate that the implementation of higher education in the university systems of the European Higher Education Area is organized based on common factors and elements that prevail over the plurality and diversity of institutional agents and specific traditions, and that this underlying unity is the result of the public service role that different states have assigned to the university institution.

9. Length

The research program has a minimum duration of three calendar years.

10. Analytical model

Doctoral research under this line must follow the mandatory analytical structure in their Doctoral Research Plan:

  • Introduction
  1. Justification of the research.
  2. Presentation of the doctoral research case.
  3. Formulation of the general hypothesis and the specific ones.
  • First part
  1. Conceptualization of university higher education.
  2. Theoretical approaches and perspectives applied in the study of higher university education.
  3. Methodology and techniques for the evolutionary and comparative analysis of higher university education.
  4. General and specialized documentary and bibliographic sources for the study of higher university education.
  • Second part
  1. Evolutionary analysis of the legal and institutional framework for the incorporation of the educational program subject to research into university systems:
    • Historical background.
    • Evolution of the legal framework.
    • Evolution of the university framework.
  2. Descriptive analysis of the implementation of the university education subject to doctoral research in the Andorran and Catalan university systems:
    • Universities.
    • University centers.
    • University programs.
  3. Comparative analysis of the elements shaping each implementation:
    • Justifications for the academic, scientific, and professional interest of the program.
    • Objectives and orientation of the program.
    • Recommended access profile.
    • Specific competences of the program.
    • Expected learning outcomes.
    • Expected academic performance rates.
    • Study planning.
  • Third part
  1. Descriptive analysis of the evolution of demand for university education:
    • Evolution of total demand by academic year:
      • By access routes.
      • By gender.
      • By age.
      • By geographical origin.
      • By order of preference.
    • Evolution of demand for each degree by academic year:
      • By access routes.
      • By gender.
      • By age.
      • By geographical origin.
      • By order of preference.
    • Demand evolution.
  2. Comparative analysis of the evolution of demand for the university education in relation to overall demand.
  3. Conclusive analysis of the evolution of demand for university education.
11. Options of doctoral research

Initially, individuals admitted to this doctoral research line may choose as a case study a university or general study from the following options:

  1. Business Administration.
  2. Political Science.
  3. Communication.
  4. Criminology.
  5. Law.
  6. Economics.
  7. Industrial Engineering.
  8. English Philology.
  9. Catalan Philology.
  10. Classical Philology.
  11. Humanities.
  12. Computer Science.
  13. Marketing.
  14. Psychology.
  15. Advertising and Public Relations.
  16. Human Resources.
  17. Social Work.
  18. Tourism.

The Coordination of the doctoral research line will assign the cases based on the order of admission of the PhD candidates and considering their interest or accredited link with one or another university.

12. Specialized training

In accordance with the regulations governing the Doctoral Program, the research line organizes the corresponding specialized training activity, which PhD candidates must complete during the first year of the program in an online format.

The specialized training provides PhD candidates with prior knowledge of all the theoretical and methodological elements necessary to carry out their research and is organized into the following 7 content units:

  1. The construction of the object of study.
  2. Theoretical approaches to the object of study.
  3. Research methodology and techniques.
  4. Information and documentation sources for research.
  5. The research hypothesis.
  6. Scope and extent of the research.
  7. Research structure.
13. Scientific calls and activities

The Coordination of the research line organizes an annual Scientific Conference to present and discuss theoretical and methodological issues that affect the object of study of the line. These conferences are open to all PhD candidates and researchers working in the same scientific field, who can present their work and participate in the debates generated.

Likewise, PhD candidates may attend the public evaluation sessions of doctoral research conducted by other candidates, convened by the Coordination of the Doctoral Program at the end of the second year of the program.

Additionally, the Coordination of the research line informs PhD candidates of calls for papers related to the object of study or related fields made by other scientific and academic entities, so they may be aware and, if appropriate, submit the work carried out during their research.

14. Scientific Publications

The Coordination of the research line communicates to PhD candidates the list of specialized periodicals in the object of study or related fields to which they should submit their publication proposals for the work conducted during their doctoral research.

15. Languages

Català / English / Español

16. Additional information

Contact details: lrd.11.uni@euniv.eu

PhD regulations: https://euniv.eu/universitat/normativa/