The eUniv present at the summer courses of the Institute of Catalan Studies

The Institute of Catalan Studies convened a summer course dedicated to the iconic figure of Sant Jordi, organized in Montblanc by the Friends of Romanesque Art on August 26, 27 and 28. Specialists in philology, history and the arts from various universities and academic institutions took part in this year’s program. eUniv participated with the presentation by Dr. Josep M. Sans i Travé, member of the Academic Senate, on the knights of the military orders of the Temple, the Hospital and the Sant Redemptor, and was accompanied by Dr. Eladi Llop and Dr. Marc B. Escolà, Vice-Chancellor and Academic Prothonotary, respectively, of the eUniv, as well as several doctoral students.

The institutional representatives of the university transferred to the organization of these summer courses of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans the offer of all the support of the eUniv to hold them in Sant Julià de Lòria from next year.

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