University Institute of applied technology

The University Institute of Applied Technology (UIAT) is the center of the eUniv in charge of implementing the teaching in the technological field of the first two cycles of the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA):

I. First cycle state university education:

II. Second cycle state university education:

The Directorate is the superior academic body of the UIAT that holds its representation before third parties and exercises the functions of general coordination and supervision of scientific activities.

The director of the University Institute of Applied Technology is Mr. Joaquim Vallès. His mandate ends on August 31, 2027.

The Technical Secretary is the academic body of the UIAT responsible for the academic management of the center and monitoring the center’s quality assurance.

The Technical Secretary of the University Institute of Applied Technology is Ms. Anna M. Llop. His mandate ends on August 31, 2027.