J. H. Newman Doctoral School
The J. H. Newman Doctoral School (EDN) is the eUniv centre with statutory responsibility for implementing the Doctoral Programme, and for supplying the trainee researchers with the resources necessary for a coherent scientific research project.
The Management Office is the EDN’s higher academic body; it represents it to third parties, performs the functions of general coordination and supervision of scientific activities, and chairs the Doctoral Committee.
The acting Manager of the J. H. Newman Doctoral School is Dr Jordi Sauret, professor in the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, who joined in the academic year 2019-20. His mandate ends on 31 August 2027. director.edn@euniv.eu
The Technical Secretariat is the EDN’s higher academic body responsible for the academic management of the centre, monitoring quality assurance, and organising the academic processes set out in the Doctoral Programme.
The Technical Secretary of the J. H. Newman Doctoral School is Dr. Helena Serés. His mandate ends on 31 August 2027. secretaria.edn@euniv.eu
The Doctoral Coordination Programme is the academic body responsible for its academic and scientific development.
The Coordinator of the Doctoral Programme is Dr Josep Serrano, visiting professor in the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, who joined in the academic year 2019-20. His mandate ends on 31 August 2027. coordinatio.pdoc@euniv.eu
The Doctoral Committee is the EDN’s governing academic collegiate body. It is formed by the Management Office, which chairs it, and the Technical Secretariat, which carries out administrative functions, coordinates the Doctoral Programme and lines of doctoral research, and represents each of the EDN’s participating entities designated by the Doctoral Student Council, when this is provided for in the agreement formalised.
Presided by Dr J. Sauret, the secretary is Dr A. Arceo in representation of the European Observatory of Communication and the members are Dr Josep Serrano, Coordinator of the Doctoral Programme, and Dr M. B. Escolà, Dr J. L. Del Olmo, y Dr L. Jiménez, in representation of the specialised research chairs. Their mandate ends on 31 August 2027.