The Observatory of Communication Studies (OEC) of the eUniv brings the Graphic Symposium to Sant Julià

200 kilometers are what separate the itinerant headquarters from the previous seven editions of this year’s edition of the Graphic Symposium. The VIII edition of the academic meeting was held at the headquarters of the European University (eUniv) in Sant Julià de Lòria (Andorra). The European Observatory of Communication (OEC) of the eUniv has made it possible to gather the speakers in the Rocafort Room of the Cultural and Congress Center of Sant Julià de Lòria. The participants, whether online or face-to-face, were able to attend conferences and presentations by researchers, master classes and debate tables, such as those of the professional associations of Graphic Design of Catalonia and Marketing , Advertising, Public Relations and Communication.

At the opening ceremony, the rector of eUniv, Dr. Antoni Noguero, stated that this year’s edition of the Graphic Symposium “reinforces its international character”. In this way, to the participation in previous editions of countries such as Chile, Colombia, Ecuador or Mexico, this year the celebration outside Barcelona is added this year – taking advantage of the fact that from now on the permanent headquarters of the Symposium is linked to the eUniv based in Andorra-.

Josep Majoral, Consul Major of Sant Julià de Lòria, opened the VIII Graphic Symposium explaining that Sant Julià “is a seat with a strong university component”. For his part, Dr. Daniel Tena, member of the Scientific Committee and Organizer of the Graphic Symposium, wanted to emphasize the objective of the meeting, noting that it is to “open new horizons”. The opening ceremony was enlivened by Xavi Pérez with an artistic interpretation in which, based on Ken Garland’s First things first manifesto (1964 and subsequent updates in 2000), he brought sound and visual stimuli closer to a reflection about consumerism, art and humanity.

The academic program has started with Andreu Van Hooft, from the Radboud University of Nijmegen, with a conference on Language and Advertising that would give way to the traditional Brindana. The second and third days of the Graphic Symposium were devoted to research and didactic tables with presentations focusing on graphic design and advertising.

Many of the research and research works in relation to graphic design and advertising creativity and communication have been presented in oral or poster format. In this way, teaching and didactics, research and scientific dissemination, the various professional experiences (tables of the Professional Colleges), teaching and research, have given the VIII Symposium graphic sketch a scenario in which it will be necessary to follow delving into these issues.

For this reason, the next edition of the graphic symposium will be at the “Centro Internacional de Estudios e Investigación en Tecnologías Gráficas y Comunicación Científica (TGRAF)”, which has its headquarters at Campus Lumiar, Edificio L, “Print Research Lab” of the ISEC Lisbon. The IX edition of the Graphic Symposium will be held on September 6, 7 and 8, 2023 and will focus on the strategic complicity between form and content.

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