Fiter i Rossell Chair: Legal and political sciences
The Fiter i Rossell Chair in Legal and Political Studies for specialised research is the scientific unit concerned with research in the fields of knowledge related to the eUniv Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences.
Carries out the following activities:
Fostering specialised scientific calls, such as symposiums, congresses, conferences, meetings and roundtables, that contribute to scientific research in its fields and especially of people involved in its lines of doctoral research.
Implementation of advanced postgraduate training activities, such as conferences, courses and seminars, aimed at consolidating studies both in terms of the methodological line of research and the methodological initiation to pre-doctoral study.
People with a university master’s degree or equivalent can apply for admission to the following lines of research organized by the Chair for the Doctoral Program:
1. Name of the line of doctoral research
Environmental policies in the EU:
Waste Management
2. UNESCO codes related to the research line
2300: Chemistry | 91: Environmental Chemistry |
2400: Life Sciences | 99: Ecology and General Biology |
3100: Agricultural Sciences | 01: Agrochemistry |
3200: Medical Sciences | 12: Public Health |
3300: Technological Sciences | 08: Environmental Engineering and Technology |
5300: Economics | 04: Economic activity |
5400: Geography | 01: Economic Geography |
5600: Legal Sciences and law | 99: Environmental Law |
5900: Political Sciences | 99: Environmental Policy |
6300: Sociology | 102: Ecological Sociology |
3. Recommended admission requirements for candidates
Candidates are interested in in research on waste management models and systems and their environmental impact. Applicants are trained in the branches of Social and Legal Sciences, Health, or Technologies, familiar with any of the dimensions of waste management. Candidates must have a B2 linguistic competence in Catalan, Spanish or English and availability in accordance with the requirements of the doctoral regime of the European Higher Education Area. Lastly, prospects preferably have a link with an entity that motivates and justifies their application.
4. Chair
Fiter i Rossell Chair of Legal and Political Sciences
5. Leading Centre
Centre for Environmental Studies
6. Centre for Environmental Studies
Dra. Conxa Puebla
7. Object of Study
This line of doctoral research studies waste management in all its dimensions: political, legal, organizational, social, economic or technological, with the aim of identifying the common and unique elements present in the different management systems of the EU, to which the Principality of Andorra is added due to the territorial linkage of its waste management.
8. Hypothesis
The line of research proposes, as a general hypothesis, to demonstrate that different models and systems of waste management have different levels of effectiveness and efficiency, which, at the same time, also generate different results, and that these differences are associated with the legal and socio-political, economic or technological conditions of each territory.
9. Length
3 years
10. Analytical model
In this line, doctoral research must necessarily assume the following analytical structure in their Doctoral Research Plan:
- Introduction
- Justification of the research.
- Presentation of the doctoral research case.
- Formulation of the general hypothesis and the specific ones.
- First part
- Conceptualization of waste management as an object of scientific analysis.
- Theoretical approaches and perspectives applied to the study of waste management.
- Methodology and techniques for the scientific analysis of waste management.
- General and specialized documentary and bibliographic sources for the study of waste management.
- Second part
- Descriptive analysis of the general characteristics of the European territory object of the doctoral research case.
- Descriptive analysis of the legal regime of waste management in force in the European territory object of the doctoral research case.
- Descriptive analysis of the current waste management system in the European territory object of the doctoral research case.
- Empirical analysis of the real effectiveness of the communicative management of the Third Sector organization object of the doctoral research case.
- Third part
- Conclusive analysis of the results of the current waste management system in the European territory that is the object of the doctoral research case.
- Comparative analysis of the results of the current waste management system in the European territory object of the doctoral research case in relation to other territories studied by the line of doctoral research.
- Fourth part
- General and specialized bibliographic sources used in the research.
- Specific documentary sources used in the investigation.
11. Options of doctoral research
Initially, candidates admitted to this line of doctoral research may choose one of the following options as a case study:
- Principality of Andorra.
- Principality of Catalonia.
- Occitania region.
- Autonomous Region of Madeira.
- Piedmont region.
Study cases are going to be assigned to doctoral students by strict order of admission date and taking into account the interest or the accredited link with one or another territory.
12. Specialized training
In accordance with the Doctoral Program guidelines, the doctoral research line organizes the corresponding training activity, which the doctoral students must carry out online during the first year of the program.
This specialized training allows doctoral students to gain prior knowledge of all the necessary theoretical and methodological elements to carry out their research. It is structured in seven units:
- Construction of the object of study.
- Theoretical approaches to the object of study.
- Research methodology and techniques.
- Sources of information and documentation for the investigation.
- Research hypothesis.
- Context and scope of the investigation.
- Structure of the investigation.
13. Scientific calls and activities
The Coordination of the line of doctoral research annually convenes a Scientific Conference to present and debate on the theoretical and methodological issues that affect the object of study of the line. These conferences are open to all doctoral students and researchers working in the same scientific field, who are invited to share their findings and engage in debates.
Likewise, at the end of the second year of the program, doctoral students can attend public events carried out by other doctoral students, which are also convened by the Coordination of the Doctoral Program
Doctoral students can participate in public events organized by the J. H. Newman Doctoral School, such as presentations of publications or projects, conferences and debates, etc.
In addition, the Coordination of the research line informs the doctoral students of the calls that other scientific and academic entities carry out about the object of study or related fields, so that they are aware of them and can present, if appropriate, works carried out during their doctoral research.
14. Scientific Publications
The Coordination of the research line is going to provide doctoral students with a list of specialized publications and papers, to which they have to direct their proposals in order to publish their doctoral research.
15. Languages
Català / English / Español
16. Additional information
Contact details:
PhD regulations:
1. Name of the line of doctoral research
Private Security in the EU:
Human Resources
2. UNESCO codes related to the research line
3300: Technological Sciences | 99: Engineering of industrial organization |
5300: Economics | 11: Business Organization |
5500: History | 96: History of the professions |
5600: Legal Sciences and Law | 05: Legislation and national laws |
5900: Political Sciences | 06: Public Services |
6100: Psychology | 06: Industrial Psychology |
6300: Sociology | 06: Labor Sociology |
3. Recommended admission requirements for candidates
Candidates are interested in research on private security services. Applicants are trained in the branches of Social and Legal Sciences, familiar with any of the dimensions of security. Candidates must have a B2 linguistic competence in Catalan, Spanish or English and availability in accordance with the requirements of the doctoral regime of the European Higher Education Area. Lastly, prospects preferably have a link with an entity that motivates and justifies their application.
4. Chair
Fiter i Rossell Chair of Legal and Political Sciences
5. Leading Centre
Laurèdia University Institute for Security Studies
6. Main Coordinator
Dr. Lluís G. Jiménez
7. Object of Study
This line of doctoral research studies the group of people who provide their labor or professional services in private organizations dedicated to security within the European Union, to which the Principality of Andorra is added due to territorial and human ties.
8. Hypothesis
The line of research proposes, as a general hypothesis, to demonstrate that different models and systems of waste management have different levels of effectiveness and efficiency, which, at the same time, also generate different results, and that these differences are associated with the legal and socio-political, economic or technological conditions of each territory.
9. Length
3 years
10. Analytical model
In this line, doctoral research must necessarily assume the following analytical structure in their Doctoral Research Plan:
- Introduction
- Justification of the research.
- Presentation of the doctoral research case.
- Formulation of the general hypothesis and the specific ones.
- First part
- Conceptualization of the provision of private security services and its agents as an object of scientific analysis.
- Theoretical approaches and perspectives applied to the study of the provision of private security services and its agents as an object of scientific analysis.
- Methodology and techniques for the scientific analysis of the provision of private security services and its agents as the object of scientific analysis.
- General and specialized documentary and bibliographic sources for the study of the provision of private security services and their agents as an object of scientific analysis.
- Second part
- Diachronic descriptive analysis of the legal regulatory regime of personnel at the service of private security companies of the European state to which the organization that is the object of the doctoral research case belongs.
- Diachronic descriptive analysis of the private security company object of the doctoral research case.
- Empirical analysis of the personnel at the service of the private security company object of the doctoral research case.
- Third part
- Conclusive analysis on the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the personnel at the service of the private security company object of the doctoral research case.
- Comparative analysis on the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the personnel at the service of the private security company object of the doctoral research case in relation to other companies studied by the line of doctoral research.
- Comparative analysis of the results obtained on the personnel at the service of the private security company object of the doctoral research case in relation to the whole of Europe.
- Fourth part
- General and specialized bibliographic sources used in the research.
- Specific documentary sources used in the investigation.
11. Options of doctoral research
Initially, candidates admitted to this line of doctoral research may choose one of the following options as a case study:
- PROSEGUR (Spain)
- ESEGUR (Portugal)
- FIDUCIAL (France)
- WEISZ SECURITY (Netherlands)
Study cases are going to be assigned to doctoral students by strict order of admission date and taking into account the interest or the accredited link with one or another option..
12. Specialized training
In accordance with the Doctoral Program guidelines, the doctoral research line organizes the corresponding training activity, which the doctoral students must carry out online during the first year of the program.
This specialized training allows doctoral students to gain prior knowledge of all the necessary theoretical and methodological elements to carry out their research. It is structured in seven units:
- Construction of the object of study.
- Theoretical approaches to the object of study.
- Research methodology and techniques.
- Sources of information and documentation for the investigation.
- Research hypothesis.
- Context and scope of the investigation.
- Structure of the investigation.
13. Scientific calls and activities
The Coordination of the line of doctoral research annually convenes a Scientific Conference to present and debate on the theoretical and methodological issues that affect the object of study of the line. These conferences are open to all doctoral students and researchers working in the same scientific field, who are invited to share their findings and engage in debates
Likewise, at the end of the second year of the program, doctoral students can attend public events carried out by other doctoral students, which are also convened by the Coordination of the Doctoral Program.
Doctoral students can participate in public events organized by the J. H. Newman Doctoral School, such as presentations of publications or projects, conferences and debates, etc.
In addition, the Coordination of the research line informs the doctoral students of the calls that other scientific and academic entities carry out about the object of study or related fields, so that they are aware of them and can present, if appropriate, works carried out during their doctoral research.
14. Scientific Publications
The Coordination of the research line is going to provide doctoral students with a list of specialized publications and papers, to which they have to direct their proposals in order to publish their doctoral research.
15. Languages
Català / English / Español
16. Additional information
Contact details:
PhD regulations:
1. Name of the line of doctoral research
The EU foreign and security policy:
civil and military missions
2. UNESCO codes related to the research line
5300: Economics | 10: Internacional Economy |
5400: Geography | 05: Politic Georgraphy |
5500: History | 05: History of International Relations |
5600: Legal Science and Law | 93: International Law |
5900: Political Sciences | 01: International Relations |
6300: Sociology | 04: International Problems |
3. Recommended admission requirements for candidates
Candidates are interested in research on the functioning and organization of European Union policies, familiar with some of the dimensions linked to European construction. Candidates must have a B2 linguistic competence in Catalan, Spanish or English and availability in accordance with the requirements of the doctoral regime of the European Higher Education Area. Lastly, prospects preferably have a link with an entity that motivates and justifies their application.
4. Chair
Fiter i Rossell Chair of Legal and Political Sciences
5. Leading Centre
Centre of European Studies
6. Main Coordinator
Dr. Eugenio Pérez de Francisco
7. Object of Study
This line of doctoral research studies the regulatory developments generated within the framework of the European Union from the start of civil and military operations carried out in third states, and in compliance with the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the EU. It also aims to address the consequences that have been derived from them for the members of the Union, for third states, and for the regulation that Public International Law has established in matters of international security.
8. Hypothesis
The line of research proposes, as a general hypothesis, to demonstrate that the developments on security and defense incorporated into European Union Law have led, de facto and de jure, to a change in the position of the EU in the legal and international political context. This has been projected onto its members and has made it a decisive actor in cooperation with the competent international organizations in these fields.
9. Length
3 years
10. Analytical model
In this line, doctoral research must necessarily assume the following analytical structure in their Doctoral Research Plan:
- Introduction
- Justification of the research.
- Presentation of the doctoral research case.
- Formulation of the general hypothesis and the specific ones.
- First part
- Conceptualization of the CFSP and of European civil and military missions as a scientific study object.
- Approaches and theoretical perspectives applied in the study of the CFSP and European civil and military missions.
- Methodology and techniques for the analysis of the CFSP and European civil and military missions.
- Documentary sources and general bibliographies and specialties in the CFSP and European civil and military missions.
- Second part
- Descriptive analysis of the specific legal regime applicable to the European civil or military mission object of the study case.
- Descriptive analysis of the European civil or military mission object of the study case.
- Descriptive analysis of the political and legal effects of the European civil or military mission object of the study case.
- Empirical analysis of the real efficiency of the European civil or military mission object of the study case.
- Third part
- Conclusive analysis on the results of the European civil or military mission study case.
- Comparative analysis of the results of the European civil or military mission study case in relation to the other missions investigated by the doctoral research line.
- Fourth part
- General and specialized bibliographic sources used in the research.
- Specific documentary sources used in the investigation.
11. Options of doctoral research
Initially, candidates admitted to this line of doctoral research may choose one of the following options as a case study::
- EUFOR ALTHEA (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
- EUBAM (Moldova-Ukraine)
- EUMM (Georgia)
- EULEX (Kosovo)
- EU NAVFOR (Indian Ocean)
- EUTM-EUCAP (Somalia)
- EUBAM (Libya)
- EUTM RCA-EUAM RCA (Central African Republic)
- EUAM (Iraq)
- EU NAVFOR MED IRINI (Mediterranean Sea)
Study cases are going to be assigned to doctoral students by strict order of admission date and taking into account the interest or the accredited link with one or another option.
12. Specialized training
In accordance with the Doctoral Program guidelines, the doctoral research line organizes the corresponding training activity, which the doctoral students must carry out online during the first year of the program.
This specialized training allows doctoral students to gain prior knowledge of all the necessary theoretical and methodological elements to carry out their research. It is structured in seven units:
- Construction of the object of study.
- Theoretical approaches to the object of study.
- Research methodology and techniques.
- Sources of information and documentation for the investigation.
- Research hypothesis.
- Context and scope of the investigation.
- Structure of the investigation.
13. Scientific calls and activities
The Coordination of the line of doctoral research annually convenes a Scientific Conference to present and debate on the theoretical and methodological issues that affect the object of study of the line. These conferences are open to all doctoral students and researchers working in the same scientific field, who are invited to share their findings and engage in debates.
Likewise, at the end of the second year of the program, doctoral students can attend public events carried out by other doctoral students, which are also convened by the Coordination of the Doctoral Program.
Doctoral students can participate in public events organized by the J. H. Newman Doctoral School, such as presentations of publications or projects, conferences and debates, etc.
In addition, the Coordination of the research line informs the doctoral students of the calls that other scientific and academic entities carry out about the object of study or related fields, so that they are aware of them and can present, if appropriate, works carried out during their doctoral research.
14. Scientific Publications
The Coordination of the research line is going to provide doctoral students with a list of specialized publications and papers, to which they have to direct their proposals in order to publish their doctoral research.
15. Languages
Català / English / Español
16. Additional information
Contact details:
PhD regulations:
Academic bodies
The Management Office of the Fiter i Rossell Chair is the higher academic body responsible for its coordination, promotion and representation to the collegiate bodies of the J. H. Newman Doctoral School.
The Manager of the Fiter i Rossell Chair is Dr Marc B. Escolà, professor in the Department of Political and Administrative Science, who joined in the academic year 2019-20. His mandate ends on 31 August 2023.
The Technical Secretariat is the academic body responsible for its ordinary management and monitoring of the quality of its activities, in accordance with the eUniv Internal Quality Assurance System.
The Technical Secretary of the Fiter i Rossell Chair is Dr Conxa Puebla, professor in the Department of Administrative Law, who joined in the academic year 2020-21. Her mandate ends on 31 August 2023.
The Chair also has a Scientific Advisory Committee that acts as an advisory collegiate body when considering and deliberating on proposals for activities.
The Scientific Advisory Committee of the Fiter i Rossell Chair is formed by Dr A. Albiol, Dr J. Alonso-Cuevillas, Dr R. Castro, Dr M. Giménez-Bachman, Dr L. Jiménez, Dr M. Nebrera and Dr E. Pérez de Francisco. Their mandate ends on 31 August 2023.